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Beauty Treatment - Raphide Skin roller
  Raphide is a rarely seem spongilidaeaciculum that is made by tiny siliceous spicules and sponging. The length of raphide should be controlled within 50μm in order to put them into the depth of skin.therefore, raphide could turn on the micro circumstance of skin and it can also help your pore clean and unblocked. This treatment can be also used on these problems of acne and oily skin.
Take the aging horny out at the same time, controlling the oily, acnes problems.
Proper to use on oily and acne skin

The procedure

Step 1

Raphide is mixed during the treatment, each person will use each pack.
Step 2
After cleaning your face, raphide will be applied on your face with gently massage.
Step 3
The treatment will focus on pore and acne areas

Step 4

After the massage, the saran wrap covers the skin in order to absorb raphide e3ffecient. In this time, it is a normal situation that skin generates heat.
Step 5
After finish the treatment, the area accepted will lightly redness, and it takes around half day to disappear.

It is a improvement while you accept one to two treatments, and if you have a serious condition, there is a advice that take this treatment twice a week until the condition of your skin is stable. After that, the treatment can be taken once a month.
1.It won't be allow to exfoliating and exposure sunshine overtime three days before the treatment.
2.Do not make up after treatment otherwise wounds will have inflammation infection.
3.After the treatment, it is necessary to do carefully moisturizing, although it may cause slightly tingling by the tiny wounds on the skin.
4.It is recommended that using hypoallergenic facial cleaning for postoperation area in one week after treatment. Please do not use brush or scrub product nor go hot spring or spa.